About Us

The bed and breakfast “The two G” began as a realization of our family project, driven by

feelings of love and passion. We are a well-matched couple who share the same passion for hospitality that is based on direct experience. As a salesman I travel a lot and I have experienced many different accommodations around the world; rich of this cultural baggage I feel I can offer my guests a service full of elegant simplicity and warmth.

The warmth that my wife Raffaella, audiometric technician at the Hospital of the Circolo in Varese ,a job she is very proud of, can assure thanks to her sunny character and easy manners.

Together with our little Gemma (the third G), we wish to share quiet moments with our guests, giving them the opportunity to discover new places, enjoy them and relax.

With our bed and breakfast we also want to help  enhance our region, because Varese and its surroundings will amaze you. There is much to discover: come and do it with us.

The building

The bed & breakfast derives from the restructuring a farmhouse built in 1939. The style of the house fully reflects its age for its conformation (porch with courtyard, narrow windows, ceilings over 3 m high, a sloping roof),its original building materials (rocks, stones and bricks ) and for the presence of a draining well, typical of the Lombard farmhouses of that time. Nonetheless it was modernized with comfortable eco-friendly solutions such as solar panels, a pellet heating fireplace directly connected to the heating system and domestic hot water and a wood fiber insulation in the roof. The house, today, maintains its state of detached house, however this has not prevented us from obtaining four cozy rooms and a breakfast room, all this over two floors with its own entrance and the possibility of some parking space within the property, of course subject to availability of the same. Each room also has some outdoor space on the balcony or in the porch where you can enjoy the sun and fresh air.



Goditi Halloween senza pensieri! Prenditi il weekend lungo di festa e con noi avrai uno sconto ;-) Cosa aspetti prenota subito, ti aspettiamo !! Enjoy Halloween without worries! Take the long weekend of celebration and with us you will have a discount ;-) What are you waiting for, book now, we are waiting for you!!
From 01/11/2024
To 03/11/2024
Valid until 03/11/2024
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
5% Off

EICMA 2024

Caro Biker e visitatore di EICMA, da appassionati motociclisti abbiamo pensato ad una promozione per te. Prenota ora un soggiorno di almeno 2 notti e riceverai uno sconto. Ti ricordiamo che la nostra struttura è a soli 700 mt dalla stazione di Varese Casbeno e che puoi raggiungere la fiera Eicma direttamente in treno senza il problema di code, incidenti e parcheggi costosi. Cosa aspetti, prenota ora! Ti aspettiamo ! Dear Biker and EICMA visitor, as passionate motorcyclists we have thought a promotion for you. Book now a stay of at least 2 nights and you will receive a discount. We remind you that our structure is only 700 meters from the Varese Casbeno station and that you can reach the Eicma fair directly by train without the problem of queues, accidents and expensive parking. What are you waiting for, book now! We are waiting for you!  
From 06/11/2024
To 10/11/2024
Valid until 10/11/2024
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
5% Off


La Magia della Tradizione: la Fiera degli “Oh Bej Oh Bej” a Milano Questo evento unico, che si tiene dal 7 al 10 dicembre in onore del patrono della città, Sant’Ambrogio, trasforma le strade del centro in un affascinante mondo natalizio, regalando ai visitatori un tuffo indimenticabile nella cultura e nella tradizione milanese. Il nostro B&B è a soli 700 mt dalla stazione di Varese Casbeno e in meno di 1 ora senza code, traffico, problemi di posteggio sarai immerso/a nell'atmosfera magica di Milano. Approfitta della nostra promo, soggiorna per un minimo di 2 notti e avrai uno sconto ! Cosa aspetti, prenota subito, ti aspettiamo ! The Magic of Tradition: the “Oh Bej Oh Bej” Fair in Milan This unique event, held from 7 to 10 December in honor of the city's patron saint, Sant'Ambrogio, transforms the streets of the center into a fascinating Christmas world, giving visitors an unforgettable dive into Milanese culture and tradition. Our B&B is just 700 meters from the Varese Casbeno station and in less than 1 hour without queues, traffic, parking problems you will be immersed in the magical atmosphere of Milan. Take advantage of our promo, stay for a minimum of 2 nights and you will get a discount! What are you waiting for, book now, we are waiting for you!
From 07/12/2024
To 10/12/2024
Valid until 10/12/2024
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
5% Off

Natale Epifania 2024 2025

Da Natale all'Epifania, se soggiorni da noi conviene. Che sia per una visita a parenti e familiari o che tu sia in visita a mercatini, feste e eventi culturali, noi ti mettiamo a disposizione le nostre camere con una promozione a te dedicata. Cosa aspetti vieni a festeggiare a Varese! Ti aspettiamo ! From Christmas to Epiphany, it's worth staying with us. Whether it's for a visit to relatives and family or whether you're visiting markets, parties and cultural events, we'll make our rooms available to you with a promotion dedicated to you. What are you waiting for? Come and celebrate in Varese! We're waiting for you!
From 20/12/2024
To 07/01/2025
Valid until 07/01/2025
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
5% Off

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